Health & Benefits
March 31st 2020 ・ 10 min reading
Chiquita bananas are a wonderful healthy sweet snack. But the good news is - while they may taste as sweet as candy - they’re definitely much better for you!
When it comes to banana nutrition, a medium-sized Chiquita banana contains about 14 grams of sugar or around 53% of its overall weight. However… these sugars are actually GOOD natural sugars (fructose) with small amounts of glucose, sucrose and maltose. They’re the types of sugar that our bodies like – and not like the refined white sugars that health professionals warn us against. Natural fructose breaks down in the liver, while refined sugars found in processed foods break down in the stomach and need insulin to be fully metabolized.
The good natural sugars in Chiquita bananas are great for the body and an ideal choice for people looking to reduce their sugar intake. Natural sugars break down slower and help to stave off those cravings for unhealthy processed foods like chocolate and candy. It’s important to distinguish between good sugars in bananas and bad sugars in chocolate and candy that contribute to heart disease and obesity.
Chiquita bananas are also a great option for those wanting to lose weight. Despite being sweet, a whole medium Chiquita banana contains only 100 calories or so. This super fruit also provides other benefits such as fiber (over three grams in one medium banana), which helps digestion and lowers cholesterol, as well as provides important vitamins C and B6, and minerals potassium, manganese, magnesium and iron. Truly one of the world’s healthiest fruits.
The fiber in bananas also plays an important role in helping you feel full for longer. The fiber means the fruit itself is digested more slowly, helping to prevent spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels. So despite being sweet, Chiquita bananas score relatively low on the Glycemic Index scale.
The good sugars in Chiquita bananas also give you a lasting energy boost, which explains why they are so popular as workout snacks for endurance athletes. Research found that bananas have a far healthier blend of sugars than sports drinks. And, perhaps best of all, they’re super convenient to carry around in their own handy packaging!
Chiquita bananas also have a pleasant easy-to-like flavor, making them great for those who may be feeling under the weather or just in need of a quick and convenient healthy snack. Packed with essential fiber, vitamins and minerals, as well as that unmistakable sweet taste, it’s no wonder bananas are known as “nature’s own candy”!
Who knew the benefits of bananas were so wide and varied? To incorporate more bananas in your life for a healthy diet, check out all our easy and delicious banana recipes here.