Chiquita singles
Chiquita Singles bananas, to go: nature’s energy boost
Chiquita Class Extra, are also presented in the single version, Singles bananas to go, giving on-the-go consumers healthy, fresh singles bananas for snacks and decreasing store waste.. To go bananas are single fingers, hand-selected in a premium size – the perfect solution to portability and convenience.
Nutritional facts
Finishing an early-morning workout or just waking up? Grab a Chiquita banana and either eat it as-is or add it to your cereal or pancakes for a super boost of energy to start your day. Besides the energy boost, Chiquita singles bananas are fat free, and contain complex carbohydrates and vitamin B6 to help kick start your metabolism.
Amount per serving (126 g)
Calories 108
Total Fat 0.6 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 1.26 mg
Potassium 451 mg
Total Carbohydrate 28.8 g
Dietary Fiber 3.3 g
Sugars 15.4 g
Protein 1.4 g