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Workout Snacks
Chiquita bananas have long been the best workout snacks and source of energy for sport. Chiquita bananas provide loads of natural slow-release carbohydrates, the glucose molecules your body needs during physical activity. If you’re sportive, banana nutrition is really something to shout about!
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The best workout snacks: Chiquita bananas
Working out has become incredibly popular. An important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle is eating well with balanced nutrition. Eating after a workout is important but eating beforehand is just as critical, to give you that great boost of energy you need to do your best.

The best pre workout snack
Discover why pre workout meals are an essential part of your exercise regimen, and why a tasty, high-quality Chiquita banana is the perfect choice for your workout snacks. Pre workout food is important – our bodies need good fuel to work properly! Everyone wants to get the most out of their workout, so choosing an energy-dense, nutritious food that’s light and easy to digest – and the right balance of carbs, vitamins, minerals, and protein – makes perfect sense.
Discover The Best Pre-Workout Snacks
The best post workout snacks
Post-workout snacks are an important part of your exercise regime. It’s important to find something delicious and nutritious for an after-workout snack to refuel your muscles. What is the best food to eat after a workout? Adding a high-quality, great tasting Chiquita banana to your exercise regime could be the answer you’re looking for!
A yummy and nutritious banana is one of the best post-workout snacks around, as we’ll explain in more detail below. Bananas are a great source of readily available energy for the body and contain good levels of important vitamins and minerals that can help speed up your recovery time after a workout.
Discover The Best Post-Workout Snacks
Benefits of bananas for runners
Runners are looking for a healthy lifestyle, and they are super conscious of the benefits of the foods they eat – so considering what to eat before running is important. Understanding what to eat before running is key to great exercise, and to a good race. Bananas are a perfect source of the energy they need to perform well and replace the body’s glycogen stores, as well as the vitamins and minerals that are sweated out during a run.
Chiquita bananas are the perfect partner for your exercise, so when you’re thinking about what to eat before your run, don’t forget to pick up a bunch at the store and include them in your running routine today!
Read the article about runners
Best banana smoothies for a workout
There’s something about a protein smoothie that is just perfect for a post-workout snack, and one of the really great things about them is that making smoothies is super simple! Just throw a few ingredients into a blender (or use a hand-held stick blender), whizz, and you’re done. Simple as that. Tasty, high quality Chiquita bananas are one of the best ingredients to include in a post-workout smoothie – we’ll look in more detail below at why they’re the perfect workout smoothie companion.
The best banana smoothies for workout
Yoga, Banana and staying healthy
Yoga is great for your body on so many levels. It’s effective for strength building, flexibility, breathing, balance and training the mind through “moving meditation”. Don’t forget it’s perfectly fine to consume a low-calorie snack, like a Chiquita banana before your yoga session. Bananas are a great pre-workout snack whether you’re doing yoga, running or doing a workout session. Happy exercising, friends!
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